Do you know your value?  If someone asked you right now “how much are you worth” what would your response be? Have you ever thought about that question? Well if you are providing services and you are not charging what you feel you deserve, then you absolutely are giving people the answer without saying a word. Don’t misunderstand me, because I know what it is to charge less for services when you are simply wanting to get a client in the door. But my experience has been that I felt like I was sacrificing something from within to give someone my best; value. It’s just not fair.


I do believe in giving gifts, and running promotions and things of the like to get your experience and gain some steady clients in your business, but this shouldn’t be the everyday norm, especially when you are offering value to your guests. I know with eyelash extensions, I gave a LOT away in the beginning, and also did a lot of promotions, but when I had my price structure set up in the beginning, I was charging WAY BELOW what I should have been charging. This did not profit me anything. In actuality, it hurt me to the point that I could not afford to re-order products to provide services.  The reason I couldn’t afford to continue in that vein is because the companies I ordered products from offered value, and they knew the value of their products, so I did not get huge discounts and freebies.  Can you imagine if I continued doing that? I would have been out of business a very long time ago and would not be where I am today. So let’s face it, we have to get brave and decide what we are worth and let the world know we offer value for what they are investing in. How do you let the world know your value? Your website, your service offerings price list, etc. You also let the world know when someone says “Susie does the same thing you do for $50 less!” and you let that person know that “Well, I am not sure where Susie gets her products from, or how much she invested in her education, but this is what my services are offered for so I will gladly help you with what I do if this is your choice”. When someone tries to nickel and dime you, they are also devaluing you and everything you have accomplished, and all the hard work you put into getting where you are today! So let’s not allow others to devalue you. KNOW YOUR VALUE. KNOW YOUR WORTH.

Wishing You Beauty, Love & Prosperity


Elizabeth Jennings, Minister of Beauty

Beauty Business CEO & Strategist, Transforming Lives in the Business of Beauty & Inspiring the Uninspired