Well listen, I’m here to tell ya it is NOT gonna happen. I can truly say I have had my fair share of days I wanted to say screw it all and throw in the proverbial towel (picture white towel being thrown here) But I knew I had too much to lose in quitting, even though there were many tough days.

IF I GAVE UP . . . .

I would have still been in a miserable job, working hours I despised around people that did not like me . . .

I never would have continued my education in a field I wasn’t used to, and stepping out of the box of conformity . . .

I would be begging and pleading for jobs as a massage therapist when opportunities were becoming slim . . .

I would have continued working at a chain massage chain working with clients that were not my ideal client, and making money for a company that didn’t care about me . . .

I would still be in another business renting a room, and not in my own space and having the type of environment I wanted to create . . .

I wouldn’t have hired my first esthetician and lash stylist that is solidly scheduled, and she would be somewhere not fulfilling her dream . . .

I wouldn’t have been able to inspire those that have been looking up to ME for guidance in their career while working in my establishment . . .

I wouldn’t have multiple locations for my beauty business, and not allowed the Grace I was blessed with to flourish . . .

I wouldn’t be here writing these things to you, and hopefully inspiring you in some way . . .

I would have had a dream deferred become an afterthought, and dried up like a raisin in the sun . . .

So the profit in quitting is a big fat ZERO! I know you may have seen some hard days, and what you may be going through even right now is not fun or pleasant, and not even easy. But I am here to tell you that if you continue to push through it all, and have the faith to know that it WILL get better, you will overcome it and your yesterday will be better than your today. Don’t Quit!

Wishing you a Successful Beauty-filled Journey,

Elizabeth Jennings
The Minister Of Beauty