So my husband surprised me with a plane ticket to go to Dubai! He shot me a text message that said to check my email a little over a month ago and so I did and when I checked my email, I saw that there was a plane ticket that was purchased...
Twenty Four years ago today I had a child. It was not in my plans to be a teen mom at 15 years old. One week before my 16th birthday, bringing a child into this world was something I never thought I would be doing but it happened. What a sweet sixteen present, huh?!!...
Breakdown to Breakthrough
Hey there I hope you had a great weekend. Last month I had a breakdown. Yes, a breakdown. You see, I have so much going on, and sometimes I have moments when I need to just take a huge breath and pray for a while, get away and be still and just get strengthened by...
Wanna Profit By Quitting
Well listen, I'm here to tell ya it is NOT gonna happen. I can truly say I have had my fair share of days I wanted to say screw it all and throw in the proverbial towel (picture white towel being thrown here) But I knew I had too much to lose in quitting, even though...
This is How You WIN!
Philly fans rejoice! The Philadelphia Eagles won the Super Bowl. Listen, I'm not fan of sports, let alone the Super Bowl. I didn't even watch it, but you can't escape the fact that The Eagles won over the Patriots. As someone in business, that got to me. This is why....